Monthly Archives: March 2013

Desert Exile

I am currently in the middle of the desert.  I just moved from Doha to a field site.  I should be here for about a month.  There is a beautiful beach not too far from my new accommodation.  My location is like a sleepy little beach town but really it is an active little oil […]

Sea Survival Complete

The second day and third day of offshore training was intense.   When it was time for us to go to the pool, we practiced escaping from an offshore rig and also escaping from a helicopter.  Both were really scary exercises.  We had to jump off a platform which was about 8-9 meters high. The lights […]

I Hammer Like a Girl

I apologize for my silence over the last month. My job has been keeping me extremely busy. I am writing this blog post on my shuttle home from work. It takes 45 minutes to an hour to get to and from work every day so I figure this is a great time for me to […]